Archive / All About Pots

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Pickup Magnets – What’s the difference between them?

Should you get alnico 2s in your Tele neck pickup? Alnico 5s? What about in your Strat? Should you use all alnico 5 magnets?What’s the big difference between them anyway??We put together an easy-to-understand graphic that will help in your decision making. And, of course, we custom build pickups and can use any type of […]

GROUND LOOPS – What are they & how I can avoid one?

Ground loops can cause humming and buzzing in your guitar. Period. Do they ALWAYS cause humming and buzzing in your guitar. No, not 100% of the time. But wouldn’t you rather eliminate the possibility if you are rewiring your guitar? The traditional way that guitars are wired is to have a common ground for both […]
